What is Clinical Trials

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Participating in medical trials

Have you ever thought about taking part in a Medical Trial? By registering your details with us on Chinese Medical Research , we are able to contact you directly to request your interest and availability to take part in medical research studies, which we are involve in.

By taking part in a Clinical trial you can help in the development of new medicines that will save lives, you will also be reimbursed for giving up your time and any expenses that you may incur taking part in any medical trial. Information about you is securely and confidentially kept on our database register that we can access to contact you regarding individual studies.

Pride in professional service

Why are Clinical Trials Important?

Clinical Trials are designed to help us find out how to give a new treatment safely and effectively to people. Each patient who participates in a Clinical Trial provides information on the effectiveness and risks of the new treatment. Advances in medicine and science are the result of new ideas and approaches developed through research. Treatments now being used (standard treatments) are the base for building new,hopefully, better, treatments. Many standard treatments were first shown to be effective in Clinical Trials. Clinical Trials show researchers which therapies are more effective than others. This is the best way to identify an effective new treatment. New therapies are designed to take advantage of what has worked in the past and to improve on this base. You may be interested in participating in a trial. You should learn as much as you can about the trial before you make up your mind.
Clinical Trials are the most reliable and best way of testing a new treatment, or of seeing whether one treatment works better than another. A new treatment is not always better and can sometimes be worse than existing treatments. Trials are therefore important when we need to know whether one treatment is safer and more effective than another. We need clinical trials to improve treatment and care for patients now and in the future.

Do You Have any Query?

Frequently Asked Questions

Trials may be designed to assess the safety and efficacy of experimental therapy, to assess whether the new intervention is better than standard therapy, or to compare the efficacy of two standard or marketed interventions. The trial objectives and design are usually documented in a Clinical Trial protocol. To be ethical, they must involve the full and informed consent of participating human subjects. They are closely supervised by appropriate regulatory authorities. All interventional studies must be approved by an ethics committee before permission is granted to run the trial.
PhaseI trials are the first stage of testing in human subjects. Normally a small (20-100) group of healthy volunteers will be selected. This phase includes trials designed to assess the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics (what the body does to the drug), and pharmacodynamics (what the drug does to the body) of a therapy. These trials are almost always conducted in inpatient clinics, where the subject can be observed by full-time medical staff. PhaseI trials also normally include dose-ranging studies so that doses for clinical use can be refined. The tested range of doses will usually be a small fraction of the dose that causes harm in animal testing. Our PhaseI trials often include healthy volunteers.

Researchers planning a trial will draw up a protocol. This is the detailed plan for the trial, and it must include:

  • What the trial is aiming to find out.
  • How many people will be involved?
  • The eligibility criteria – who can take part in the trial.
  • What treatments are being compared?
  • What tests people taking part in the trial will have and when they must have them.


If you decide that you would like to hear more about clinical trials taking place that you could be a part of please complete the form and we will contact you shortly after Register as a Clinical Trial participant. The information which you submit will be retained on the computer by Chinese Medical Research and may be passed on to third parties including clinical research organisations and clinical investigators for the purposes of contacting you regarding your interest in taking part in a clinical trial.
The information will be retained by Chinese Medical Research and provided to organisations conducting Clinical studies (which may involve transfer of this information outside of the European Economic Area).If you decide at a later stage that you would like to withdraw your details from the Chinese Medical Research register please email admin@chinesemedicalreserach.com.

Please note that if you decide to withdraw your interest after your details have been passed on to a third party Chinese Medical Research are not responsible for their record-keeping however we shall take all reasonable steps to inform them that you are no longer interested in hearing about clinical studies.